Monday, September 8, 2008

It Happened to ME

Like OMG! I never imaged it would happen to me. I know I am almost 30, but still, I like to think I am somewhat hip… But last night I caught some of the VMA’s and it became blatantly clear that I am out of touch with what is cool in pop culture. What the fuck has happened to MTV? I was never a huge fan, but now I think you are required to have ADHD to follow the shit on that station. I am no accomplished pop culture critic, but it seems MTV has transformed B-listers and mediocrity into mainstream icons and the social norm.

I am not really disappointed with the realization that I am no longer “cool” to teenagers but I guess I was somewhat surprised when I found out…

I do see the value of the platform MTV has to promote awareness, regardless of how superficial and trendy they make it seem… but for issues like politics and global warming I think the “talent” have a way of almost diluting what it means to be liberal or green.

For instance, Paramore (a teenage rock group) showed up to the VMA’s in Smart Cars. When asked why, they said they were just trying to be different… Now I think a better explanation could have included words like “better for the environment”, “more efficient” , or “reduces our dependence on foreign oil” (for you conservatives)… But no, Haley said something like “I used a lot of hairspray and showing up in these offsets that” … I guess their half-assed effort to be sexy-green was far better than Tokio Hotel showing up in a monster truck…

P.S. I am addicted to The Hills. It is my guilty pleasure.

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