Sunday, August 10, 2008

A City Girl Can't Be Made Out of Anybody Here

Last night I went out paddling on the lagoon to see the bioluminescence. The wake of the boat, every stroke of the paddle, and the spooked fish light up the water like little Ms. Tinkerbell's wand. We got devoured by mosquitoes and the moonlight diluted the glow but the stars were out, the water was calm, the mood was peaceful and the beer was cold. All in all it was a fabulous time. I think I am going to give a presentation on bioluninescence and lead a tour for MIWA members around the next new moon.
So this morning I was at the beach and somebody had dug a huge hole the day before and didn't fill it in... Well I was laying about twenty feet away from it and I noticed a couple people looking down in the hole. Then a young father was fetching an overthrown football when he yelled for his kids to come over. So curiosity finally got to me and I went to see what they were doing. Well it turns out that a nest of loggerhead turtles had hatched the night before up by the dune and as they were heading for the sea nine of them fell into the hole. It was about 11:00 am so they had been baking in the sun for a few hours. I assumed they were dead until I picked them up. They were alive, all nine of them! I took four of them and let the kids take the rest down to the water to release them... Basically I am a hero... But I guess somebody has to be the hero... Baby turtles are so adowable!

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