Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Roll on Trizzy (Again)

Well Trizzy had a snafu on our first day back together. I was coming back from the Y last night and I heard a loud noise under the hood. For a moment I felt relief... finally Trizzy had died and I could move on without feeling guilty... ummm wait we are still moving... it was just the serpentine belt; an easy fix. Damn! So I raced home before the battery died... Tonight I brought home a new $30 belt and put it on. Started it up and the brand new belt bound up again. $30 gone in a instant. Now what?

Scrap it! No! Scrap it! No! No! No! Upon closer examination I realized that a pulley had seized. I could fix this...Damn! I was having problems getting the pulley off when my neighbors came over to see if they could help. Then another neighbor. With tools from here and muscles from there we got it off. I used Rose and Jo's car to go to the parts store. Got the new pulley and another belt and in no time Trizzy was whole again. It was like a street party to resurrect the Triz.

It is obvious that none of my neighbors wanted to see me get rid of the Triz... Why else would they rush over to help me fix it? They must think he is pretty special... Well he says thanks and thinks you are pretty special too.

It takes a village to keep Trizzzy and me rolling.

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